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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 5am -1pm Monday- Friday 2pm - 10pm Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED
Methadone Intakes 5am-8am Monday-Thursday Suboxone Intake 8am-10am Monday-Thursday

The Stigma of Methadone

The stigma associated with methadone treatment is mostly associated by opinions and misinformed people or family members that do not have a good adherence to treatment. Below are some of the myths and facts about methadone treatment:

Myth: Methadone rots your teeth and gets in your bones.
Fact: Methadone is metabolized primary by the live but has a long half-life because it is also stored in various body tissues. The gradual release of methadone from these body tissues is one of the benefits of methadone for maintenance purposes. It does not rot teeth (addicted person often neglect dental care during the course of their active addiction), nor is it stored in the bones.
Myth: Methadone is harder to “kick” than heroin.
Fact: Because of its long half-life, withdrawal from methadone takes longer than withdrawal from heroin, but because methadone withdrawal is medically supervised; the process is far less uncomfortable than withdrawal from heroin.
Myth: Methadone treatment providers are just “legal dope dealers.”
Fact: Methadone is the most highly regulated and monitored form of addiction treatment. Persons participating in medication assisted treatment are not getting “high” from their dose, nor do they need to engage in other activities often associated with addiction. “Dope dealers” do not offer counseling and help people regain a quality of living loss to addiction.
Myth: Methadone gets into your bones and weakens them.
Fact: Methadone does not “get into the bones” or in any other way cause harm to the skeletal system. Although some methadone participants report having aches in their arms and legs, the discomfort is probably a mild withdrawal symptom and may be eased by adjusting the dose of methadone.
Also, some substances can cause more rapid metabolism of methadone. If you are taking another substance that is affecting the metabolism of your methadone, your doctor may need to adjust your methadone dose.
Myth: It is harder to kick methadone than it is to kick a dope habit.
Fact: Stopping methadone use is different from kicking a heroin habit. Some people find it harder because the withdrawal lasts longer. Others say that although it lasts longer, it is milder than heroin withdrawal.
Myth: Taking methadone damages your body.
Fact: People have been taking methadone for more than 30 years, and there has been no evidence that long-term use causes any physical damage. Some people do suffer some side effects from methadone – such as constipation, increased sweating, and dry mouth – but these usually go away over time or with dose adjustments. Other effects, such as menstrual abnormalities and decreased sexual desire, have been reported by some participants but have not been clearly linked to methadone use.
Myth: Methadone is worse for your body than heroin.
Fact: Methadone is not worse for your body than heroin. Both heroin and methadone are nontoxic, yet both can be dangerous if taken in excess – but this is true of everything, from aspirin to food. Methadone is safer than street heroin because it is a legally prescribed medication and it is taken orally. Unregulated street drugs often contain many harmful additives that are used to “cut” the drug.
Myth: Methadone harms your liver.
Fact: The liver metabolizes (breaks down and processes) methadone, but methadone does not “harm” the liver. Methadone is actually much easier for the liver to metabolize than many other types of medications. People with hepatitis or with severe liver disease can take methadone safely.
Myth: Methadone is harmful to your immune system.
Fact: Methadone does not damage the immune system. In fact, several studies suggest that HIV-positive participants who are taking methadone are healthier and live longer than those drug users who are not on methadone.
Myth: Methadone causes people to use cocaine.
Fact: Methadone does not cause people to use cocaine. Many people who use cocaine. Many people who use cocaine started taking it before they started methadone maintenance treatment – and many stop using cocaine while they are on maintenance.
Myth: The lower the dose of methadone, the better.
Fact: Low doses will reduce withdrawal symptoms, but higher doses are needed to block the effect of heroin and – most important – to cut the craving for heroin. Most participants will need between 60 and 120 milligrams of methadone a day to stop using heroin. A few participants, however, will feel well with 5 to 10 milligrams; others will need hundreds of milligrams a day in order to feel comfortable. Ideally, participants should decide on their dose with the help of their physician, and without outside interference or limits.
Myth: Methadone causes drowsiness and sedation.
Fact: All people sometimes feel drowsy or tired. Participants on a stabilized dose of methadone will not feel any more drowsy or sedated than is normal.

With this information people can make an informed decision based on facts! Currently an estimated 9.2 million people who use heroin. The fortunate are the addicts who seek treatment. Please feel free to contact Duke City Recovery Toolbox if you or your loved ones have questions regarding methadone, or would like to talk to someone regarding methadone treatment.