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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 5am -1pm Monday- Friday 2pm - 10pm Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED
Methadone Intakes 5am-8am Monday-Thursday Suboxone Intake 8am-10am Monday-Thursday

Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Overcoming drug addiction is not just about having enough willpower to say “No” to drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse often arises because drugs or alcohol were once effective coping mechanisms…now, they’re hindering your life and relationships. In life after addiction, you will still need to cope with life’s stresses. Behavioral therapy gives you the tools to do it.

What Behavioral Therapy Does

Behavioral therapy services address your behaviors and uses behaviors to address underlying mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Behavioral therapy may work to do two things:

  1. Identify motivators behind undesirable behaviors, like substance abuse or addiction
  2. Identify behaviors that can replace substance abuse to help you cope with stress

Behavioral therapy is often an effective component of a treatment program because it gives you something to do—something to keep your hands busy, something to keep track of, something you can see progress on, and that can motivate you to continue on with your treatment plan.

What Behavioral Therapy May Look Like for You

Behavioral therapy at Duke City Recovery Toolbox is tailored to each participant’s needs. There is a combination of traditional and non-traditional therapies to make your experience more effective and hopefully more enjoyable. Some examples are:

  • Trauma-informed care
  • Art therapy (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.)
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Mindfulness training
  • Treating depression and anxiety
  • Journaling
  • Use of positive affirmations

Behavioral therapy breaks down the seemingly impossible feat of changing your relationship to stress, drugs and/or alcohol into manageable tasks and steps.

Behavioral Therapy Plus

Duke City Recovery Toolbox provides integrated treatment to help ensure your success in overcoming substance abuse or addiction. Behavioral therapy is just one component of a comprehensive treatment program. Behavioral therapy may be combined with other addiction recovery services, such as:

We give you the tools to build your recovery support system and the compassionate and spiritual care you need along the way. To get started with a treatment program that can help you live independent of drug abuse or alcohol abuse, contact us today. You may schedule an intake appointment on Thursdays, starting at 8:00 am.

Behavioral therapy can help you do something to overcome drug or alcohol addiction. Contact Duke City Recovery Toolbox at
(505) 224-9777 to get started.

Re-tooling Lives and Restoring Souls