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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 5am -1pm Monday- Friday 2pm - 10pm Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED
Methadone Intakes 5am-8am Monday-Thursday Suboxone Intake 8am-10am Monday-Thursday

How to Rebuild Your Life After Recovery


Addiction recovery is really just the beginning of your sober journey. You’ll also need to reintegrate yourself back into regular life, which is an intimidating process for many people. It’s important to take things at a slow pace and not put too much pressure on yourself. You must also look for ways to make your life rich and rewarding, which you can do by taking the following steps.

Develop Your Hobbies

Drug addiction is expensive and time-consuming. Now that you’re sober, you have the opportunity to fill your time with more enriching activities, such as hobbies. Think about hobbies you used to love but have fallen away from. Or consider activities you’ve always wanted to try but never had the chance to. Hobbies are also good for expanding your social circle and meeting a diverse group of people.

Start an Exercise Regimen

Exercise is not only important for maintaining physical health, it also offers emotional benefits. Exercise reduces tension, relieves stress, and improves mood for many people. It can also boost energy, which means it’s a great way to get ready for the day ahead. If you’re out of practice, even something like a brisk half hour walk once per day is a good way to get back on track.

Consider Your Relationships

Not all relationships, be they romantic or platonic, benefit your well-being. The period immediately following addiction recovery is the perfect time to assess your relationships to decide whether they should remain in your life. Focus on supportive friends and loved ones and working on growing those relationships. People with a negative impact on your life or those you used to use drugs or drink with should not be included in your future going forward. While it can be difficult to let go of these relationships, doing so is in your best interest.

Our team of compassionate specialists at Duke City Recovery Toolbox provide you with the tools you need upon leaving addiction recovery. Our staff knows the importance of developing a stable foundation, which is why we have peer support specialists on staff to assist you. We also offer behavioral therapy, which helps you develop healthy coping mechanisms. Feel free to contact us for more information or call (505) 224-9777  to speak with an addiction specialist today.